Mobile Agent Based Wireless Computational Models

Wireless mobile computing breaks the stationary barrier and allows users to compute and access information anywhere and anytime. However, the severe restrictions induced by wireless connectivity and mobility have a great impact on the design and structure of mobile computing applications and motivate the development of new computing models. To this end, a number of extensions to the traditional distributed system architectures have been proposed. These new software models, however, are static and require a priori set up and configuration. This in effect limits their potential in dynamically serving the mobile client; the client can not access a site where an appropriate model is not configured in advance. The contribution of this work is twofold. First, it shows how an implementation of the proposed models using mobile agents eliminates this limitation and enhances the utilization of the models. Second, new frameworks for Web-based distributed access to databases are proposed and implemented via mobile agents.

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Constantinos Spyrou, George Samaras, Evangelia Pitoura, Evripidou Paraskevas (2004) "Mobile Agents for Wireless Computing: The Convergence of Wireless Computational Models with Mobile-Agent Technologies", Journal of ACM/Baltzer Mobile Networking and Applications (MONET), special issue on “Mobility in Databases & Distributed Systems ", Volume 9, Issue 5, pp. 517- 528, Oct. 2004

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Conferences and Workshops


Constantinos Spyrou, George Samaras, Evangelia Pitoura, Evripidou Paraskevas (1999) "Wireless Computational Models: Mobile Agents to the Rescue", 2nd International Workshop “Mobility in Databases & Distributed Systems” (MDDS’99), pp. 127-133, Florence, Italy, September 1999

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Samaras, G., A. Pitsillides (1997) "Client/Intercept: a Computational Model for Wireless Environments", Proc. 4th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT'97), Melbourne, Australia, April 1997