European Community (EE)
SUCCESS: March 2016 - February 2020, Budget- 132,240 EURO (Scientific co-coordinator of the Cyprus participation)
Web-site: http://success.cs.ucy.ac.cy/
Due to growing life expectancy and unhealthy lifestyles, dementia is a fast growing chronic disease that affects the behaviour and communication abilities of people living with this neurological disorder. Caregivers are often challenged by this fact, which could lead to stress, helplessness, aggressive situations and caregiver burnout. The SUCCESS project provides an innovative mobile training application to support formal and informal caregivers to appropriately interact with people with dementia. The application provides evidence-based communication and intervention strategies and guides the user to effectively respond to specific situations in dementia care.
GrowMeUp: February 2015 - January 2018 (Scientific co-coordinator of the Cyprus participation)
Web-site: http://growmeup.deec.uc.pt
GrowMeUp is an European project funded under the H2020 PHC-19-2014 “Advancing active and healthy ageing with ICT: service robotics within assisted living environments” call coordinated by the University of Coimbra and include a consortium formed by eight partners from 6 EU countries: Portugal, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Cyprus, Spain and France.
The GrowMeUp Project aims to provide an answer to the demographic change challenge, by providing an affordable service robotic system able to learn the older persons needs and habits over time and enhance (‘grow up’/scale up) its functionality to compensate for the elder’s degradation of abilities, to support, encourage and engage the older persons to stay longer active, independent and socially involved, in carrying out their daily life at home.
Miraculous-Life: December 2013 - December 2016, Budget - 4,195,276
EURO (Scientific co-coordinator of the Cyprus participation)
Web-site: http://www.miraculous-life.eu
The main aim of the Miraculous-Life project is to design, develop and evaluate an
innovative usercentric technological solution, the Virtual Support Partner (VSP),
attending to the elder (65+) daily activity and safety needs, while the elder goes
about his normal daily life. The VSP will provide implicit daily activities support
which is based on behaviour and emotional understanding and appropriate respond
exhibiting distinctive emotions, deliver in a human like way simulating in essence
the interaction with a real life partner.
SocialRobot: November 2011 - October 2015, Budget- 151,711
EURO (Scientific co-coordinator of the Cyprus participation)
Web-site: http://paloma.isr.uc.pt/projects/socialrobot
The work focuses on bringing together the Robotic and Computer Science fields by
integrating state of the art Robotic and Virtual Social Care Communities technologies
and services to provide solutions to key issues of relevance for improved independent
living and quality of life of elderly people and efficiency of care.
Co-Living: October 2010 - September 2013, Budget- 120,000 EURO
(Scientific co-coordinator of the Cyprus participation)
The main aim of the project is the development of a Virtual Mobile Living Community
around the elderly consisting of people of different ages and roles that assist,
collaborate and actively communicate with the elderly to improve their daily life
in an ad-hoc and informal way stimulating thus and prolonging their socialization
and independent and active living in an outward environment. The solution is based
on an innovative social community network model integrating different mobile wireless
ICT based services addressing the elderly social care categories of: Care & Wellness,
Personal Interests & Activities, Mobility and Information & Learning. It provides
for personalized care and adaptation of social relationships and contexts of the
elderly people as they age.
CONET: June 2008 – July 2012. Budget- 150,000 EURO (Scientific
co-coordinator of the Cyprus participation)
FP7-CONet, the Cooperating Objects Network of Excellence, is a EU-funded project
under ICT, Framework 7. The FP7-CONet project started on June 1st, 2008 and has
a duration of 4 years, with a total funding of 4 Mio. EUR. The FP7-CONet Consortium
is working on building a strong Community in the area of Cooperating Objects including
research, public sector and industry partners from the areas of embedded systems,
pervasive computing and wireless sensor networks.
IPAC (FP7-ICT-2007-2): June 2008 – July 2010. Budget- 320,000 EURO
(Scientific co-coordinator of the Cyprus participation)
The IPAC (Integrated Platform for Autonomic Computing) proposal aims at delivering
a middleware and service creation environment for developing embedded, intelligent,
collaborative, context-aware services in mobile nodes. IPAC relies on short range
communications for the ad hoc realization of dialogs among collaborating nodes.
Advanced sensing components leverage the context-awareness attributes of IPAC, thus
rendering it capable of delivering highly innovative applications for mobile and
pervasive computing. IPAC networking capabilities are based on rumour spreading
techniques, a stateless and resilient approach, and information dissemination among
embedded nodes. Spreading of information is subject to certain rules (e.g., space,
time, price). IPAC nodes may receive, store, assess and possibly relay the incoming
content to other nodes. The same distribution channel is followed for the dissemination
of new applications and application components that "join the IPAC world".
mPower (FP6-034707): Oct. 2006 – March. 2009. Budget- 436,000
EURO (Scientific co-coordinator of the Cyprus participation)
Web-site: http://www.sintef.no/Projectweb/MPOWER
MPOWER will define and implement an open platform to simplify and speed up the task
of developing and deploying services for persons with cognitive disabilities and
elderly. The platform will in particular support: 1 Integration of SMART HOUSE and
sensor technology; 2 Interoperability between profession and institution specific
systems (e.g. Hospital Information System); 3 Secure and safe information management,
including both social and medical information; and 4 Mobile users which often change
context and tools. The project will research and develop the platform as a suite
of independent building blocks. We will demonstrate its feasibility through the
deployment of two end-user applications that will be deployed over a longer period.
MOTIVE (FP6: IST-27659): Oct. 2005 – Sept. 2007. Budget-
266,000 EURO (Scientific co-coordinator of the Cyprus participation)
MOTIVE project will demonstrate the value of this innovative concept by enhancing
existing processes and enabling the provision of new context aware services. MOTIVE
will define a multi-layered system architecture and functionality addressing issues
such as terminal local processing, user control (when and how information is revealed),
data transfer load, network side processing/storage and real time vs. off-line information
collection modes.
(Contract No. 517352): Feb. 2005 – July 2006. Budget-156,000
EURO (Scientific co-coordinator of the Cyprus participation)
Web-site: http://www.healthservice24.com/Internet/external/cms/index0ed6.html?healthservice24
HealthService24 aims at realizing the mobile health dream. The project partners
have developed an innovative mobile healthcare system that supports patients’ and
health professionals’ mobility, increases patients’ quality of life and reduces
healthcare costs. The overall project results are very promising and strengthened
the commitment of the partners. Where as the project ended on September 2006 (with
the EC rating "Excellent"), the project partners are now busy with their own deployment
Linkcare (eTEN 517435):
LINKCARE is the project that aims to market validate new competitive services with
a view to link health professionals in emerging care environments.
The main idea for the business case of LinkCare is the provision of services that:
- Facilitate the establishment of an European convergent healthcare system that is
centred on the chronic patients, coordinated across different levels of the health
and community services
- Facilitate ubiquitous and mobile new working practices for health professionals
with a multiplicity of working profiles that, in turn, require interoperability
with existing information resources
LINKCARE will focus, not only on the suitability of the platforms, from the technical
point of view - interoperability, security, standards and regulations -, but also
on the needs and requirements that are specific for the care of patients with chronic
health problems - coordination of professionals across time, centred on the patient,
and collaboration among different levels of care. In the framework of the market
validation, the consortium will run pilot installations, will establish the requirements
to integrate the services in the existing operational/legacy systems, will set up
the training plan to successfully validate the platform and will elaborate the deployment
strategy on the basis of the outcome of the market and business analysis and the
conclusions from the pilots validation. The 3 test sites used for the evaluation
provide common services for patients with chronic conditions. They are HCPB in Spain,
CNRHA in Norway, and LITO in Cyprus.
EPRI (Project Nr. 015871): March. 2005 – July 2006. Budget-
47,000 EURO (Scientific coordinator of the Cyprus participation)
Web-site: http://www.epristart.org/epristart/content/index.php
EPRI-start aims to stimulate the participation of small and medium enterprises from
all ten New Member States of the European Union in the European Union’s IST Programme.
During its duration (from March 2005 to August 2006) EPRI-start will develop a pool
of 150 potential project partners from the New Member States. The project comprises
an extensive range of activities to both educate innovative IST-oriented enterprises
from the New Member States with no or low experiences in participating in the IST
programme and at the same time raise the awareness of existing and newly arising
consortia in the IST community to find potential project partners form the New Member
W-Response: Nov. 2004 – Oct.
2006. Budget -113,580 EURO. (Participant)
Workflow & RFID enabled system for automated & paperless Warehouse operations.
Feb. 2004 – Jan. 2006. Budget -320,00 EURO. (Participant)
B-BONE project focus only on the analysis of a single technology scenario, which
is the utilisation of the UMTS technology (TDD or FDD) for broadcast and multicast
purposes having as reference 3GPP Release 06. Enhancements to the UMTS technology
will be proposed to improve its performance when providing the referred type of
services. Moreover, it is planned to establish a comparison with the DVB-H and WiFi
technologies, independently of the business models. The approach followed is to
further enhance UMTS network capacity, RAN and Core network functionalities and
transmission rates, considering both FDD and TDD modes, to accommodate digital broadcasting/multicasting/unicasting
DBGlobe: 2001 - 2003, 130000 ECU, (Rank second in the evaluation
Web-site: http://softsys.cs.uoi.gr/dbglobe/index1.html
The DBGlobe project aims at developing novel data management techniques to deal
with the challenge of global computing. On the premise, global computing is a database
problem: how to design, build and analyse systems that manage large amount of data.
However, the traditional database approach of storing data of interest in monolithic
database management systems becomes obsolete in such environments. In current database
research, data are relatively homogeneous, exhibit a small degree of distribution
(just a few network sites) are passive in that they remain unchanged unless explicitly
updated. All these assumptions do not hold in the global computing world. This creates
the need for new theoretical foundations in all aspects of data management: modelling,
storage and querying.
DITIS, phase II: June 2003 – April 2004. Budget-50,000 USD. (Scientific
coordinator of the Cyprus participation)
The aim of DITIS is to deliver a product that can improve the quality of the citizen´s
life. Contrary to today´s health processing structure which is, in all practical
terms facility-based care, this project aims to shift the focus onto home-based
care, where everything is moving around the patient. The virtual healthcare team
will be able to provide dedicated, personalized and private service to the home
residing patient on a need based and timely fashion, under the direction of the
treating specialist. Thus, it is expected that chronically and severely ill patients,
such as cancer patients, can enjoy “optimum“ health service in the comfort of their
home while feeling safe and secure. In case of a change in their condition, the
health care team will be (virtually) present to support them.
SeLeNe (IST-2001-39045): 2002 - May 2003. Budget - 60,000
EURO. (Scientific coordinator of the Cyprus participation)
The SeLeNe project aims to elaborate new educational metaphors and tools in order
to facilitate the formation of learning communities that require world-wide discovery
and assimilation of knowledge. To realize this vision, SeLeNe is relying on semantic
metadata describing educational material. SeLeNe offers advanced services for the
discovery and sharing of learning resources, facilitating a syndicated and personalised
access to such resources. These resources may be seen as the modern equivalent of
textbooks, comprising rich composition structures, "how to read" prerequisite paths,
subject indices, and detailed learning objectives.
MB-NET (IST-2001-39164): July 2002–June 2003. Budget-11,700
EURO. (Scientific co-coordinator of the Cyprus participation)
MB-net is a European Commission-funded network of excellence on Mobile Business
aiming at investigating the business and commercial prospects of mobile applications
and services with a view to formulating strategic roadmaps on a 5-year horizon (2003-2007).
MB-net brings together in a collaborative forum the leading academic scholars and
industry experts in mBusiness, representing three inter-related dimensions of mobile
applications and services: Technology Push, Market Pull, and Know-How Development.
MB-net has been established by 26 founding members that represent eight different
European countries. Nevertheless, it consists an open forum that aims at continuously
expanding its membership with mBusiness stakeholders and experts from all over the
BEEP-NAS (IST-2001-37444): Aug.2002–July 2003. Budget–24,000
EURO. (Scientific co-coordinator of the Cyprus participation)
Develop, test and implement a methodology linking best practice, benchmarking and
knowledge management which has wide applicability across Europe and the IST programme,
as well as providing a sustainable service package in the longer term having commercial
PRISMA (IST-1999-29088) :
Sept. 2001 – Feb. 2003. Budget- 45,000 EURO. (Scientific coordinator of the Cyprus
Web-site: http://www.om.hu/research/framework5/ist/projects/projects/title_24.html
PRISMA will contribute directly to the objectives of Key Action I by providing for
the first time a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the impact of IST on all
aspects of the provision of citizen services, both in relation to each service field
covered by Key Action I as well as to important cross-cutting themes. The project
will examine fundamental and critical issues and developments, including those which
cross between service fields, and put these in the context of socio-economic and
technical developments, long-term visions and scenarios, an understanding of how
these services are likely to change, an the challenges and opportunities this presents.
PRISMA's work will assist Key Action I RTD projects, service providers, policy makers
and other stakeholders in exploiting present and future trends. PRISMA will develop
into a commercially sustainable set f tools and services covering methods and best
practice guidance, scenario and modelling techniques, metrics and evaluation criteria,
and socio-economic benchmarking techniques for assessing impacts.
2000-2002, 228,000 ECU
e-MINDER is a European project co-funded by the IST Programme under Key Action II.
Its overall objective is to fight the existing gap in Europe between the most and
least developed regions as far as the use and development of e-commerce is concerned.
This is going to be achieved by setting up a European Network of Leveraging Centres
created among the less favour ed regions of Europe
eNLARGE (Entrepreneurship Laboratories for Eastern European Regions):
2000-2002, 120,000 ECU
ENLARGE is a non take up accompanying measure that addresses the IST Action line
II.1.5 by promoting broad adoption of eCommerce and eWork in regional and sectoral
settings of Eastern Europe and Balkan countries. ENLARGE will develop a methodology
for devising and putting into action an eBusiness strategy, customised in nation
specific and local characteristics of the participating countries. The project will
also produce training courses that target SMEs managers and aim at stimulating their
exploitation of eBusiness opportunities. ENLARGE results will be tested in Enlargement
countries, where eCommerce deployment is still low. ENLARGE aims to support economic
integration of Enlargement countries by providing an e-strategy framework that will
stimulate SMEs participation into global digital economy.
MEDUSE: Sept 96 - Feb 98, 102,850 ECU (contribution
of the Cyprus Government), Database Coordinator of Cyprus team, Principal Coordinator
Dr. P. Evripidou
Web-site: http://directory.eoportal.org/get_announce.php?an_id=5292
The overall objective of the Project MEDUSE is to develop and implement a prototype
system for routine monitoring and prediction of the atmospheric transport of desert
dust in the Mediterranean region, based on a numerical weather prediction model
enhanced by a module for the simulation of the dust uptake, transport, and wet and
dry deposition. The dust simulations are being validated and further enhanced by
means of an extensive measurement programme, including aerosol remote sensing by
satellite, lidar and sunphotometer, chemical characterisation of aerosol particles,
and deposition flux measurements.
MEDWATER: Participant:
Database Coordinator of Cyprus team, Principal Coordinator Professor Elpida Keravnou,
80,000 ECU
Web-site: http://cordis.europa.eu/data/PROJ_FP5
he aim of this proposal is to overcome the present, and prevent future, water competition
between the vital economic sectors of agriculture and tourism in the Mediterranean
area. The objective is to develop a trans boundary policy initiative and an integrated
water-planning model based on the study of selected arid regions in the area. The
current water supply and demand situation, available water saving, reuse, treatment
and renewable energy supply options and the socio-economic, legal and administrative
framework will be taken into account.
MED-CAMPUS: Jan. 1994 - Oct.
1995 (Participant, Principal Coordinator Dr. Xristos Schizas)