National Research Board funded projects (PI and CO-PI)
PersonaWeb Personalizing Generic Web Environments.
Cooperating organization: University of Athens, Citard Services LTD. - Funding: RPF, Cyprus. Budget- 149,994 EURO
The project aims to design and develop an adaptive interactive system that will adapt content and functionality according to users' cognitive characteristics in order to improve efficiency, effectiveness of user interactions and provide a positive user experience
FireWatch G.I.S.-assisted Wireless Sensor Networks for Forest Fires.
Cooperating organization: Department of Forests - Ministry of Agriculture, T.C.
Geomatic LTD, Citard Services LTD. - Funding: RPF, Cyprus. Budget- 171,620 EURO
This project aims to design and develop a ubiquitous fire detection and prediction
system, coined FireWatch, based on state of the art technologies in Wireless Sensor
Networks (WSNs), Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Terrain Analysis & Digital
Terrain Modelling and Collaboration Systems.
MELCO: Mobile Elderly Living Community. Cooperating organization:
Cyprus University of Technology, Instituto Pedro Nunes - Associação Para a Inovação
e Desenvolvimento em Ciência e Tecnologia, Cosige Ltd - Funding: RPF, Cyprus. Budget-
129,996 EURO
Web-site: http://www.melco.cs.ucy.ac.cy/desc.html
The project goes beyond the state-of -the-art in two areas: from one side it creates
innovative mobile wireless technology able to integrate and support socialization
and daily activity monitoring services to improve the quality of life of elderly
people outside the home and from the other hand it develops an innovative social
community model stimulating the elderly to adopt and maintain a more independent
and active lifestyle. The project aims the improvement of the elderly care challenge
in Cyprus by taking into consideration the real needs of the elderly at a local
EKPAIDEION: Personalized and Adaptive Multimedia Educational
Environments. Cooperating organization: University of Athens - Funding: RPF, Cyprus.
Budget- 125,000 EURO
Web-site: http://www3.cs.ucy.ac.cy/ekpaideion/Site/index.html
EKPAIDEION aims at the research and analysis of parameters and contexts such as
users intellectuality, mental capabilities, socio-psychological factors, emotional
states and attention grabbing strategies, that could affect the apt collection of
students' customization requirements offering in return the best adaptive environments
to their preferences and demands.
GITONIA: Improving Quality of Life
by Utilizing Multimedia Mobile Wireless Technologies (& Sensors) to watch the Neighborhood
by the local authorities. Cooperating organization: Cosign Ltd, Ithaki Consulting
Ltd - Funding: RPF, Cyprus. Budget- 35,000 EURO
ePavsanias: A Multimedia Database
for Archeological Excavations Salonika. Cooperating organization: University of
Thessaloniki - Funding: RPF, Cyprus. Budget- 21,000 EURO
MHTIS: of relationally complete interactive
querying methods for mobile devices and personal computers. Co-Primary Investigator
, June 2005-May 2007. Budget- 40,000 CYP
DITIS ΙΙ, Akolouthia: Collaborative Virtual Medical team for home
healthcare of cancer patients (Principal Investigator), 2004-2006. Budget- 30000
The aim of DITIS is to deliver a product that can improve the quality of the citizen´s
life. Contrary to today´s health processing structure which is, in all practical
terms facility-based care, this project aims to shift the focus onto home-based
care, where everything is moving around the patient. The virtual healthcare team
will be able to provide dedicated, personalized and private service to the home
residing patient on a need based and timely fashion, under the direction of the
treating specialist. Thus, it is expected that chronically and severely ill patients,
such as cancer patients, can enjoy “optimum“ health service in the comfort of their
home while feeling safe and secure. In case of a change in their condition, the
health care team will be (virtually) present to support them.
Personalization for the Mobile and wireless User: Primary Investigator, (Rank first
in the evaluation process), 2004-2005. Budget – 27,750 CYP
SemaNet: Semantic Overlay Networks
of Services in Ubiquitous Computing, (Rank second in the evaluation process), Primary
Investigator, 2004-2006. Budget – 22,000 CYP
ENDIKTIS: Performance Evaluation of Networks with Quality of Service
Provisioning, Co-Primary Investigator, 2002-2004. Budget~30000 CYP
The research program "ENDIKTIS" has been concerned with the study of architectures
and mechanisms that support the provision of quality of service for fixed and mobile
networks (e.g. constant low delay in the delivery of data, small percentage of lost
data, and high and constant throughput), as well as the development of tools and
theoretical methodologies for performance evaluation of such applications. The main
objective of the program has been the extensive evaluation of architectures and
protocols that have been proposed for providing quality of service in both fixed
and mobile networks via extensive and realistic analysis and comparisons of their
performance. For the achievement of this objective, different techniques for the
analysis of networks were used, such as, simulation tools of network architectures,
pilot networks that we have developed, and mathematical analysis using formal methods
for analysis of system performance.
MATHWN: Primary Investigator of
the research program MATHWN (Location Management for Mobile Agents), ($40000) (Rank
first in the evaluation process)
Co-Primary Investigator of the research program DITIS, ( Telemedicine via Mobile
Devices) ($55000) (Rank second in the evaluation process)
The aim of DITIS is to deliver a product that can improve the quality of the citizen´s
life. Contrary to today´s health processing structure which is, in all practical
terms facility-based care, this project aims to shift the focus onto home-based
care, where everything is moving around the patient. The virtual healthcare team
will be able to provide dedicated, personalized and private service to the home
residing patient on a need based and timely fashion, under the direction of the
treating specialist. Thus, it is expected that chronically and severely ill patients,
such as cancer patients, can enjoy “optimum“ health service in the comfort of their
home while feeling safe and secure. In case of a change in their condition, the
health care team will be (virtually) present to support them.
MADALIB: Primary Investigator of
the research program MADALIB (Library of Mobile Agents for Database access), ($50000).
(Donated by NetU)
MAD: Primary Investigator of the research
program MAD (Mobile Agent Technologies and Services), ($20000). (Donated by Ippodromos)